Setam: between industry and the environment

Water and environment technical division



Feasibility studies

Feasibility studies are a necessary Planning and design take place during preliminary step to planning and useful for analysing the problems to be resolved, potential solutions to be compared, and for calculating installation and management costs. A feasibility study may include laboratory tests or a pilot system.


Planning and design take place during the preliminary, definitive, and executive phases, which may be partially grouped together. We request that the client participate whenever possible, to gain a better understanding and hence make a more informed selection of the specific solutions. All technical and safety standards in force are met in the design.

Works management, testing, and commissioning

Our personnel are qualified to carry out projects punctually and competently, to perform the necessary tests and audits, and to coordinate the commissioning and management start-up activities.



Periodic visits, management, fulfilment of obligations

SETAM is prepared to stand by companies who may require assistance in configuring management, organised with company staff, in order to gain a better understanding of the process mechanisms as well as analytical and

functional verifications. One last important point is the keeping track of the expiry dates of the different authorisations. Moreover, during the management phase, SETAM also manages the analytical controls.

Management efficiency and optimization

This aspect plays a particularly important role and concerns the optimisation of the reliability of the system, the reduction of energy consumption, the reduction in the production of sludge, and the containment of management costs. SETAM is able to establish parameters in keeping with criteria consolidated over years of experience and tested on numerous case studies.

Systems and related activities

The SETAM technical division boasts a substantial expertise in planning, management, and assistance in systems and related activities. Some examples of these cases include: the treatment of sludge, atmospheric conditions, odours, external environmental noise, soil issues, and waste management.